Sylar Morrisey è nato a Chicago: aveva 14 anni quando un amico gli consigliò di cominciare a suonare la chitarra : è iniziata così la sua avventura con la musica, che lo ha portato a comporre musica ed a scrivere canzoni.
Ispirato da artisti leggendari come Phil Collins, James Taylor, Martin Sexton e Sublime, Sylar ha sviluppato uno stile musicale originale e caratteristico.
Sylar Morrisey ama molto esibirsi sui palcoscenici virtuali di SL dove presenta con intensità e partecipazione le sue vibranti canzoni originali e delle covers reinterpretate in modo personale.
Chicago native Sylar Morrisey was 14 when a guitar-playing friend suggested that he try his hand at songwriting. He was 15 when he bought his first guitar and wrote his first song. The rest, as they say, is history.
Inspired by legendary artists such as Phil Collins, James Taylor, Martin Sexton and Sublime, Sylar has developed a musical style that is all his own. As a strong supporter of Live Music and Venues, Sylar gives his all at every show. Whether he is singing a cover or one of his originals, Sylar is bound to impress.
Get ready to free up some room in your SL groups, and say Hello to your new Sylar addiction!
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