Mich esegue, con l'accompagnamento della sua chitarra acustica,classiche ballate rock di autori come Dylan, Eagles, Poison, Warrant, Zeppelin, Seger, Clapton, Mrashal Tucker, Skynard, Collective Soul, Green Day, Goo Goo Dolls, Steve Miller, U2, Guns and Roses.
Ai classici del rock dagli anni 70 ad oggi unisce anche i suoi pezzi originali che rispecchiano il medesimo sound.
Mich started playing the guitar around the age of 12.......never really took it seriously and remains to be a hobby from time to time. He mainly plays classic rock ballads from the 70's......has never played in a band.....or performed live in RL. He enjoys playing and singing from time to time and SL has given him an opportunity to share his talent with others that are interested in music and good times. Plays Covers of: Dylan, Eagles, Poison, Warrant, Zeppelin, Seger, Clapton, Marshal Tucker Band, Skynard, Collective Soul, Green Day, Goo Goo Dolls, Steve Miller, U2, Guns and Roses Wall Flowers, Bad Company, Tom Petty, Rod Stewart, Howie Day, Cold play, Damien Rice,Buck Cherry, lifhouse,with more to come.
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