Come cantante e cantautrice A.M.Forte non ha mai abbandonato il suo sogno di essere conosciuta in tutto il mondo!
Le sue influenze includono: U2, Nirvana, RadioHead, Sarah McLaughlin, Coldplay, MCR, AAR, The Cranberries, Our Lady Peace and Elliott Smith.
La sua musica viene fatta passare su varie radio negli States ( 106.5FM "THE END", 99.7FM "The Storm", Good Sh*t Radio (Internet Radio) and ELC Radio (Internet Radio)) e naturalmente spera di ottenere prima o poi lo stesso risultato anche sulle radio italiane...per questo ama esibirsi sulle land italiane di SL.
A.M.Forte ha anche vinto il primo premio nel "My Network TV" Rock contest .
In questi giorni si sta dedicando alla pubblicazione del suo nuovo CD.
Driven to succeed, A.M.Forte has sought out different avenues for exposure. As a singer/songwriter, she will never give up in her dreams to become known worldwide.
Her influences include: U2, Nirvana, RadioHead, Sarah McLaughlin, Coldplay, MCR, AAR, The Cranberries, Our Lady Peace and Elliott Smith.
Forte's music has been played on the Radio including: 106.5FM "THE END", 99.7FM "The Storm", Good Sh*t Radio (Internet Radio) and ELC Radio (Internet Radio). A.M.Forte also won 1st place in the "My Network TV" Rock contest for the week of 10/1/06. This month and next, A.M.Forte will be in the studio recording her newest songs.
Visit her at the following Websites:
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